Fast & Easy Green Tomato Salsa
For some of those last green tomatoes in the fall, here is a fast and easy green tomato salsa recipe that you can make to eat right away or can to enjoy over the winter.
- 1 5 quart pot
- 8 1/2 pint canning jars with lids and bands * if you are planning to can your salsa
- 1 hot water bath canner *or a large pot with an insert in the bottom to keep the jars off the bottom of the pot
- 10 cups finely chopped green tomatoes
- 1/2 cup white vinegar
- approx. 3/4 cup Mrs. Wages Medium Salsa Seasoning Mix *If you buy the individual packet- use one packet. If you buy the large container it comes out to 1/3 of the container
- Wash your green tomatoes, cut into quarters and chop in your food processor until you have the size pieces you want for your salsa. I prefer a finely chopped texture but not pureed. You will need ten cups after it's processed.
- Combine tomatoes, white vinegar and Mrs. Wages salsa mix in your pot (do not use aluminum with vinegar) Bring mix to a boil stirring occasionally so it does not stick. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes continuing to stir occasionally.
- Your salsa is ready to serve or to can! If you are using it right away, it can be stored covered in the refrigerator up to 1 week or you can store it in the freezer up to one year.
- To can, prepare your canning jars and lids according to manufacturer's suggested processes. Bring your canning pot water to a boil. Pour hot salsa into your clean and sterilized hot jars. Leave a 1/2 inch headspace, remove air bubbles, wipe rim before you apply lid and ring. Process Jars for *40 minutes in boiling water bath canner. Shut of heat, remove canner cover and let jars sit for about 5 minutes in the canner to reduce risk of siphoning. Remove jars carefully and put on a counter out of drafts; let sit for 12-24 hours. Test lids to ensure airtight seal as per normal canning instructions. If any jars do not seal properly, you can refrigerate and use within a week. Successfully processed jars can last at least one year. *The processing time noted is for altitudes less than 1000 ft. If you are at an altitude of 1000 ft. or more increase your processing time by one (1) minute for each 1000 feet of altitude.
This recipe is handy when you are short on time and need to process your tomatoes but don't necessarily have the onions, peppers or other seasonings at hand. The flavor is great and the seasoning mix stores well on the shelf. I pick it up when I see it at the store and it let's us get more done in a short amount of time without sacrificing flavor. Enjoy and remember, every bit counts!